in the USAJohn Jay Beauty College is a very small for-profit college located in
Louisiana. This school was founded in 1963 and is presently offering certificates in General Cosmetology.
It is reported that John Jay Beauty College area is safe - the school is reported to have
an excellent rating for on-campus crime.
Based on
62 evaluation factors, John Jay Beauty College beauty program ranks #544 Beauty School (out of 1467; top 40%) in
USA and #15 Beauty School in
Louisiana. Major competitors for this college are
San Jacinto Community College in Pasadena and
Pensacola State College. See the details about all twelve competitors and list of offered beauty majors and minors below.
Beauty programs ratings 2023-2024:
Overall rating:
Curriculum rating:
Teaching rating:
Safety rating:
School ranking:
Program rankings:
State Ranking
#13 General Cosmetology Program in Louisiana
Regional Ranking
#134 General Cosmetology Program in the Southeast
National Ranking
#504 General Cosmetology Program in USA
John Jay Beauty College
2844 Tennessee Ave
Kenner, LA 70062
Phone: (504) 467-2774
Location map: