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Hairstyling Certificates in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Hairstyling and Barbering Certificate SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 28 Puerto Rico schools awarding hairstyling and barbering certificates, and Inter American University of Puerto Rico San German is the best option.

Check the rest of Puerto Rico schools granting hairstyling and barbering certificates and beauty colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other beauty major or diploma.

PR hairstyling & barbering certificate schools:

Inter American University of Puerto Rico San German - Beauty School Ranking
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Aguadilla - Beauty School Ranking
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Guayama - Beauty School Ranking
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Fajardo - Beauty School Ranking
NUC University - Beauty School Ranking
5. NUC University

Located in Bayamon

Inter American University of Puerto Rico Barranquitas - Beauty School Ranking
Caribbean University Bayamon - Beauty School Ranking
D'Mart Institute - Beauty School Ranking
8. D'Mart Institute

Located in Barranquitas

American Educational College - Beauty School Ranking
Modern Hairstyling Institute Bayamon - Beauty School Ranking
Century College San Juan - Beauty School Ranking
11. Century College San Juan

Located in San Juan

Academia Serrant - Beauty School Ranking
12. Academia Serrant

Located in Ponce

Liceo De Arte Y Tecnologia - Beauty School Ranking
Institute of Beauty Careers - Beauty School Ranking
Quality Technical and Beauty College - Beauty School Ranking
Modern Hairstyling Institute Carolina - Beauty School Ranking
Emma's Beauty Academy Juana Diaz - Beauty School Ranking
Emma's Beauty Academy Mayaguez - Beauty School Ranking
Industrial Technical College - Beauty School Ranking
Institucion Chaviano De Mayaguez - Beauty School Ranking
Modern Hairstyling Institute Arecibo - Beauty School Ranking
Cambridge Technical Institute - Beauty School Ranking
Nova College De Puerto Rico - Beauty School Ranking
Liceo De Arte Dise O Y Comercio - Beauty School Ranking
MyrAngel Beauty Institute - Beauty School Ranking
25. MyrAngel Beauty Institute

Located in San Lorenzo

Leston College - Beauty School Ranking
26. Leston College

Located in Bayamon

Advantage Technical College San Juan - Beauty School Ranking
Colegio Mayor De Tecnologia - Beauty School Ranking

Other beauty certificates in PR:

General Cosmetology: 27 schools
Esthetics and Skin Care: 16 schools
Nail Technology: 17 schools
Management and Instruction: 7 schools

Puerto Rico beauty schools by city:

Aguadilla: 3 schools
Arecibo: 3 schools
Arroyo: 1 school
Barranquitas: 2 schools
Bayamon: 8 schools
Caguas: 3 schools
Carolina: 1 school
Fajardo: 1 school
Guayama: 1 school
Humacao: 1 school
Juana Diaz: 1 school
Manati: 1 school
Mayaguez: 2 schools
Ponce: 1 school
San German: 1 school
San Juan: 5 schools
San Lorenzo: 1 school

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