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Beauty Schools Offering Hairstyling Associate's Degrees

In 2024, we ranked 7 schools awarding hairstyling and barbering associate's degrees.

The best hairstyling and barbering associate's degree program in the United States is offered by City Colleges of Chicago Harry S Truman College. That school has a fair hairstyling and barbering associate's degree program: two-star rating for curriculum and three-star rating for teaching.

See the top schools offering hairstyling and barbering associate's degrees below or narrow your search by state.

Hairstyling & barbering associate's degree schools:

City Colleges of Chicago Harry S Truman College - Beauty School Ranking
Rend Lake College - Beauty School Ranking
2. Rend Lake College

Located in Ina, Illinois

South Suburban College - Beauty School Ranking
3. South Suburban College

Located in South Holland, Illinois

East Mississippi Community College - Beauty School Ranking
4. East Mississippi Community College

Located in Scooba, Mississippi

Coahoma Community College - Beauty School Ranking
5. Coahoma Community College

Located in Clarksdale, Mississippi

Northern New Mexico College - Beauty School Ranking
6. Northern New Mexico College

Located in Espanola, New Mexico

Central Carolina Community College - Beauty School Ranking
7. Central Carolina Community College

Located in Sanford, North Carolina

Beauty schools offering other associate's degrees:

Utah State University - Beauty School Ranking
Utah State University

Located in Logan, 1 associate's program

Arkansas Tech University - Beauty School Ranking
Arkansas Tech University

Located in Russellville, 1 associate's program

Red Rocks Community College - Beauty School Ranking
Red Rocks Community College

Located in Lakewood, 1 associate's program

Santa Monica College - Beauty School Ranking
Santa Monica College

Located in Santa Monica, 1 associate's program

Skyline College - Beauty School Ranking
Skyline College

Located in San Bruno, 1 associate's program

Spokane Community College - Beauty School Ranking
Spokane Community College

Located in Spokane, 1 associate's program

Waukesha County Technical College - Beauty School Ranking
Waukesha County Technical College

Located in Pewaukee, 1 associate's program

El Camino Community College District - Beauty School Ranking
El Camino Community College District

Located in Torrance, 1 associate's program

San Jacinto Community College - Beauty School Ranking
San Jacinto Community College

Located in Pasadena, 2 associate's programs

Bob Jones University - Beauty School Ranking
Bob Jones University

Located in Greenville, 1 associate's program

Snow College - Beauty School Ranking
Snow College

Located in Ephraim, 1 associate's program

Bellingham Technical College - Beauty School Ranking
Bellingham Technical College

Located in Bellingham, 1 associate's program

Walla Walla Community College - Beauty School Ranking
Walla Walla Community College

Located in Walla Walla, 1 associate's program

Schoolcraft Community College District - Beauty School Ranking
Schoolcraft Community College District

Located in Livonia, 1 associate's program

Gavilan College - Beauty School Ranking
Gavilan College

Located in Gilroy, 1 associate's program

Arapahoe Community College - Beauty School Ranking
Arapahoe Community College

Located in Littleton, 1 associate's program

Clover Park Technical College - Beauty School Ranking
Clover Park Technical College

Located in Lakewood, 2 associate's programs

Citrus College - Beauty School Ranking
Citrus College

Located in Glendora, 1 associate's program

Hairstyling & barbering associate's degrees by state:

Schools by State3 Hairstyling and Barbering Associate's Degree Schools in Illinois2 Hairstyling and Barbering Associate's Degree Schools in Mississippi1 Hairstyling and Barbering Associate's Degree Schools in New Mexico1 Hairstyling and Barbering Associate's Degree Schools in North Carolina

Other hairstyling & barbering diplomas:

Certificates: 512 schools

Other beauty associate's degrees:

General Cosmetology: 137 schools
Esthetics and Skin Care: 8 schools
Management and Instruction: 22 schools

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