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Cosmetology Certificates in South Carolina

South Carolina General Cosmetology Certificate SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 23 South Carolina schools providing general cosmetology certificates, and Charleston Cosmetology Institute is the best option.

Check all South Carolina schools awarding cosmetology certificates and beauty colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other beauty major or diploma.

SC general cosmetology certificate schools:

Charleston Cosmetology Institute - Beauty School Ranking
Strand College of Hair Design - Beauty School Ranking
2. Strand College of Hair Design

Located in Myrtle Beach

LeGrand Institute of Cosmetology - Beauty School Ranking
Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology North Augusta - Beauty School Ranking
Greenville Technical College - Beauty School Ranking
5. Greenville Technical College

Located in Greenville

Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology Rock Hill - Beauty School Ranking
Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology Columbia - Beauty School Ranking
Charzanne Beauty College - Beauty School Ranking
8. Charzanne Beauty College

Located in Greenwood

Technical College of the Lowcountry - Beauty School Ranking
Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology Spartanburg - Beauty School Ranking
Academy of Hair Technology - Beauty School Ranking
11. Academy of Hair Technology

Located in Greenville

Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology Greenville - Beauty School Ranking
Aiken School of Cosmetology and Barbering - Beauty School Ranking
Trident Technical College - Beauty School Ranking
14. Trident Technical College

Located in Charleston

Williamsburg Technical College - Beauty School Ranking
Denmark Technical College - Beauty School Ranking
Paul Mitchell the School Charleston - Beauty School Ranking
17. Paul Mitchell the School Charleston

Located in North Charleston

Paul Mitchell the School Greenville - Beauty School Ranking
Paul Mitchell the School Columbia - Beauty School Ranking
Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology Florence - Beauty School Ranking
Vski Cosmetology School - Beauty School Ranking
21. Vski Cosmetology School

Located in Charleston

Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology and Nails Columbia - Beauty School Ranking
Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology Goose Creek - Beauty School Ranking

Other beauty certificates in SC:

Hairstyling and Barbering: 7 schools
Management and Instruction: 1 school

Other general cosmetology diplomas in SC:

Associate's Degrees: 1 school

South Carolina beauty schools by city:

Aiken: 1 school
Beaufort: 1 school
Camden: 1 school
Charleston: 4 schools
Columbia: 3 schools
Denmark: 1 school
Florence: 1 school
Goose Creek: 1 school
Greenville: 6 schools
Greenwood: 1 school
Kingstree: 2 schools
Myrtle Beach: 1 school
North Augusta: 1 school
North Charleston: 1 school
Orangeburg: 1 school
Rock Hill: 1 school
Spartanburg: 1 school
West Columbia: 1 school

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